Marissa Fandel

My Applications

Marvel for Beginners

Marvel For Beginners

Made in collaboration with 3 other teammates, Marvel for Beginners serves as an introductory guide for the user into the vast and imaginitive Marvel Universe.

README Generator

README Generator

If you love to code, then you know one of the most tedious aspects of any project is producing a good README file. This application helps the user create a perfect README file for every project, big or small. Simply clone down the repo, cd into development directory in the local repo, and run "node index.js" without the quotes in your terminal. The user will then receive a series of prompts about their current project. When the user has finished answering all the prompts, the README file is rendered with all the given information. Try it for your next application!

Team Profile Generator

Team Profile Generator

With this application the user answers a series of prompts in the terminal about every employee on a given team. The user can add a manager, as well as engineers and interns. Then, a unique team profile HTML file is generated, ready to go live for all employees to see online for themselves. To get started, clone the repository, cd into the local repo in your terminal and run "node index.js" without the quotes.

Weather Dashboard

Weather Dashboard

This application allows the user to check the weather in any city in the world. The dashboard also provides a 5-day forecast for the given city.

Employee Management System

Employee Management System

With the help of this inquirer & SQL based application, a user can add employees to a database to keep track of their employee ID, position, salary, and supervising manager. The user can then update employee information, delete employees that no longer work for the company, and add new employees upon hire. TO run this app, clone down the repo and cd into the local repo in your terminal. Then, simply run "node index.js" without the quotes to get started on adding your employees' info.

Code Quiz

Code Quiz

Challenge your knowledge of web development with this fun, user-friendly game that tracks your score and challenges you to beat your previous high score!